Choghadiya Analysis


MB Choghadiya Panchang

MB Choghadiya Panchang helps you find a favorable period during which you can start an important task. Perform important tasks in the favorable period and avoid them during the unfavorable period for good results. MB Choghadiya Panchang Software is a very

MB Handwriting Analysis Compatibility

MB Handwriting Analysis Compatibility gives you a complete analysis of the compatibility between your partner and you based on your handwritings. This form of graphology compatibility can help you determine the kind of relationship you share with your


Companion for MS Analysis Services  v.3.13.1867

The Companion for MS Analysis Services is truly the only software of its kind, delivering a powerful set of tools for controlling your entire Microsoft Analysis Services environment.


VALUE CHAIN SOFTWARE, Value chain, software, analysis, management, template, diagram, example, model,

Recombination Analysis Tool (RAT)  v.1.0

Distance-based analysis made easy. The Recombination Analysis Tool (RAT) is an uncomplicated and intuitive cross-platform Java-based software intended for high-throughput, distance-based analysis of both DNA and protein multiple sequence alignments,

Linear Regression for Chemical Analysis  v.2.0

Study linear regression with this tool. Linear Regression for Chemical Analysis help you calculate the regression parameters and the limit of detection for two linear scenarios.

Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite  v.1.2.0

Rocket Propulsion Analysis Lite is a complex tool for rocket propulsion analysis. It features an intuitive graphical user interface with handy grouping the input parameters and analysis results. RPA utilizes an expandable chemical species library

Options Analysis  v.1.5

Option Analysis analyzes respondent attitudes to the attractiveness of options within a group of options and infers the implications for option preferences shares.

Option Impacts Analysis  v.1

Option Impacts Analysis analyzes preferences shares from survey data.

Choice Components Analysis  v.1

Choice Components Analysis analyzes survey data on the primary determinants of option choice.

Speak Logic Information Analysis for Microsoft Office V2012 2012 R  v.2.1

The Speak Logic Information Analysis for Microsoft Office enables the analysis of information and communications within Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Speak Logic Information Analysis Desktop V2012 2012 R  v.2.1

The Speak logic Information Analysis Desktop enables users to analyze manage information in their own desktops.

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